Same Audiobooks, Different Story

We’ve partnered with to make it possible for you to buy audiobooks directly through CrystallineBloom®. Browse the catalog of over 400,000 audiobooks, including New York Times best sellers, and discover hidden gems curated by expert booksellers.

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Benefits of audiobooks

Get lost in a story. Narrators breathe life into books, creating an immersive experience.

Accessibility. Not everyone can read print or ebooks due to disabilities, time commitments, space or other reasons.

Pack in reading time. Audiobooks can be a parent’s or caretaker’s bestfriend while attending to the needs of others.

Multi-task. Things readers do while listening: create art, clean, garden, cook, commute, knit, exercise, fold laundry, puzzle. etc.

Share a story. No need to read over someone’s shoulder or try to match their pace. Press play and listen together.

Boost mood and disrupt negative thinking. Psychology Today says “for those prone to anxiety and depression, listening to someone else read aloud can help by replacing negative thoughts with something else.”

According to the Audio Publishers Association, audiobooks help build crucial listening skills in children.

When the Journal of Neuroscience researchers compared brain scans between someone reading and someone listening, the same cognitive & emotional areas were stimulated.

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